Basic refurbishment
of Bützow Prison
by Matthias Schlun
Basic refurbishment of Bützow Prison
The federal state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (Germany), represented by the BBL M-V, Neubrandenburg division, is currently carrying out the basic renovation of Detention House B at Bützow Prison. After the renovation, there will be 75 detention places in single and double detention rooms with separate detention areas.
In the past few years, the refurbishment of Detention House A, the star shaped Stern Building and courtyard A has already been carried out. In addition, the new buildings of Detention Houses G and H were completed. The project consists of a total of 15 implementation phases and is scheduled for completion in 2027. In total, the investment costs for the state amount to about 79 million euros.
STUV is supplying high-security locks with mechanical and electronic equipment for the basic refurbishment over a period of several years.