Access and Door Control

for electronic locks with central operation and access management

Digital Lock Control for Prisons

With the transparency and connectivity of STUV's control solutions, you can be confident that you are achieving the exact results that matter most to your facility: Safety, reliability, sustainability and scalability.

STUV Access and Door Control via BUS Contacts (German)

STUV PLC Control System


Reader & Transponders

For electronic locks, we offer a selection of high-quality RFID fitting solutions for use in the correctional system.
RFID Reader & Transponders

Access Control

The STUV transponder management for maximum security. With the contemporary STUV software solution for the desktop, access authorisation can be managed easily and securely: Time-controlled, individual, efficient.
STUV Access Control

Door Controls

The IP-based STUV lock and door control adds a new dimension of application possibilities to superordinate BMS systems. This is because up to 1,000 doors can be managed and controlled with it - each as a detention room door, passage door or interlock solution.
STUV Door Controls


For motor-controlled locking of detention room and passage doors via BUS technology or a conventional PLC lock control.
Door Control Accessories
STUV cell call

Signal Lights

Indicator and signal lamps for use in combination with cell call communication, presence signalling and lock status indication.
STUV Signal Lights

Systems Integration

With our versatile service portfolio, we integrate high-performance and innovative lock technology and control systems: from advice on system design, the control system programmed to suit your application, project management and commissioning to our after-sales services.
Request Systems Integration

STUV is widely known as a lock manufacturer - we have just as much expertise in the design, planning and implementation of access and door control systems. We are your specialist partner for system integration - be it for a single lock solution or a complete correctional facility.

Feel free to contact us, we will find the right high security solution for every area.

  • Communication
  • Reliability
  • Mechanical Security
  • Technological Security
  • Additional Security Features


  • Encrypted communication between central door control and locks
  • AES-128 encrypted communication between access control and door controller
  • Transponder with AES encryption


  • UPS-secured door controls and central units
  • Locally backed up data
  • Integrated fallback solution in all locks in the event of a connection interruption to the door control system
  • Permanent function and manipulation monitoring of all components and BUS lines
  • Event memory of the building management system interface

Mechanical Security

  • Highest possible vandalism protection on RFID readers
  • Robust transponder housing

Technological Security

  • Manufacturer-exclusive transponder technology

Additional Security Features

  • 4-eyes principle at the lock
  • Easily configurable security features on the lock
  • Central deactivation of transponders, readers and mechanical key
  • unpickable


Diez Preventive Detention Centre

The new preventive detention building was constructed on the grounds of Diez Prison (Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany). The 19.5 million euro building offers space for 64 preventive detainees. In the four-storey building with a T-shaped floor plan, they have 18 square metre rooms, each with its own bathroom and a small kitchenette. The new building became necessary due to a decision by the Federal Constitutional Court in May 2011. The practice of executing preventive detention in prison buildings, which had been common in all federal states until then, was declared unconstitutional.

Location Diez, Germany
Room / Door Passage door, Outer gate
Solutions Preventive Detention
Product series HSL High security locks
Service Delivery
All references

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